Saturday, February 9, 2013

Shopping Spree

My mom decided to treat me to a new outfit today!  I was soooooo excited -- I love shopping!  Here we are when we just got to the mall.  It was really bright and sunny outside.  Did you notice something about me?  Yep!  No more glasses!  Mom doesn't wear them anymore, either!  We got contact lenses.  :)

Right inside the mall entrance, there's a vending machine.  I don't know what that is, but Mom sure was excited about it.  She took me over to it and showed me all the pictures of soda pop.  I guess a vending machine is like an art gallery.

She let me touch one of the pictures, and it was kinda cool.  I always thought you weren't allowed to touch the pictures in an art gallery!  I was afraid maybe the guard was going to come kick us out of the mall for touching the soda pop pictures.  Nothing happened, though.  He must've been busy catching the real bad guys.

Anyway, on we went to my favorite shop in the whole mall:  Build-a-Bear!  That's where they have all kinds of fun outfits and things, all in exactly my size!  I couldn't wait to start trying stuff on!

How do I look in this wig?

Mom didn't know what she was looking for, really, except that she wanted me to have an open jacket so I could show off my IHope Foundation tattoo.  That's cool, I like my tattoo and I want to raise awareness for IH everywhere I go!

We wandered through the aisles, and Mom found a bunch of military outfits!  She let me try on this neat helmet.  What do you think of it?  I felt like I was a real, live soldier!

We kept looking around, and we saw Navy uniforms and Army uniforms..... even a cool looking camouflage sleeping bag!  But Mom didn't get excited until she saw the US Marine Corps outfit.  She asked me if I liked it.  I told her, "It's really cool!  But it doesn't open in the front.... how are people going to see my tattoo?"

Mom really likes the Marines.  Her big brother is a Marine.  So is her cousin.  And her best friend is a Marine, too.  So she really wanted to buy that uniform.  See her trying to convince me to try it on?

I really, really didn't want to cover up my tattoo, though, and Mom agreed.  So she and Lola talked about it and decided that my friend, IHope Bear would look great in the Marine uniform!  Mom decided to bring it home to him.  That would be a really fun surprise!  And he would have a new outfit without even have to go shopping..... IHope doesn't like clothes shopping, ha ha.  So Mom checked all the buttons and patches and things to make sure the outfit was made well so she could give it to IHope.

We were just about to leave that section and start looking for an outfit for me when something caught Mom's eye.  It was something camouflage.  It was something small.  And it was for a boy bear!  Mom!  Please don't make me try on those boxers (she called them "silkies", but I know boy's underwear when I see it).....!  She got me to do it, though, just so she could see if they would fit IHope.  Oh, the embarrassment!

After all that, it was finally time to shop for me!  I got to try on a few different jackets.  I love trying on clothes!  This one is a silver parka.  Kinda neat looking, but not really my style.

Here it is again, all closed up.  It looks better this way, but it covers up my tattoo.  Nope.  Put it back on the shelf, please!

Mom looked up at the different displays and saw a totally stylin' hoodie on the top shelf.  She asked the clerk lady to please take it down 'cause she wanted to try it on me.

Of course, it fit me perfectly!  And bonus:  it said, "HUGS" down the side!  That is soooooo me.... I love to give hugs!  Mom was awfully excited and happy!

Oh, here I am with my black pants, too.  I think I tried on every pair of pants and shorts in the shop before Mom found just the right ones for me.  I'm glad she keeps going 'til she finds the things she thinks I will like best.  My mom loves me!

Here I am wearing IHope's USMC jacket.  I had to hold my cover (that means my hat!) in my right hand, so I had to salute with my left.  Not exactly proper, but I sure look cute, don't I?

Here I am in my own outfit.... with my new ear ribbons!

And here I am with my hood up.  I wanted to practice in case it rained again.  :)

And here I am by the Build-a-Bear sign!

And last but not least..... here are IHope and I in our brand new outfits of awesomeness.  What do you think?


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